(Notes from Tuesday Morning Bible Study on 8/24/21 taught by Charlene Moretz.)
The Jewish Wedding – A Bride for Isaac (Genesis 24)
Gen 24:1-4 – Typology:
Abraham = God the Father
Isaac = God the Son
Abraham’s Servant = The Holy Spirit, sent to gather a Bride for the Son. (Eliezer – means God is my helper – see Gen 15:2).
Gen 22:2 – After Abraham was told to take “your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love” to be sacrifice on Mt Moriah (John 3:16), Gen 22:19 says, “So Abraham returned to his young men, and they rose and went together to Beersheba…” Where was Isaac? He is not mentioned again until two chapters later when he is united with his bride at the well of LaHai Roi, which means the well of Living Water or the Living One Who sees me.
The Ketubah and Betrothal
- The marriage is arranged by the father (God) and executed by the servant (Holy Spirit). (Gen 24:1-4)
- A written document is drawn up call the Ketubah which states the bride price, promises of the groom, and the rights of the bride (Our Ketubah is the Bible.)
- Bride must give her consent. “I do.” (Our consent is our confession of faith.) Gen 24:57-58)
- The Bridal Price is paid. (Our Bride Price is the precious blood of Christ) Gen 24:22)
- Gifts given to Bride (Our spiritual gifts – 1 Cor 12) (Gen 24:10, 53)
- The Groom says, “I go to prepare a place for you.” (Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. John 14:1-3).
- The Bride and Groom are betrothed but don’t live together yet. Rebecca had not seen Isaac (the Groom) yet. They were considered married, and it took a divorce to set aside the contract which was a serious action. See: Matt 1 – Joseph’s considering divorcing Mary quietly to prevent her from being scandalized or stoned.
The Wedding
- Bride would have a Mikvah, water immersion (Baptism).
- The Bride awaits the Groom’s imminent return, prepared and ready at any time. – Parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) “Only the Father knows” the day of the wedding (Mark 13:32)
- Bridegroom returns with his friends (angels and OT saints) with a shout and the blowing of the shofar, typically at nighttime so lamps were needed (I Thess.4:16-17) at a time not exactly known to her, and takes the Bride to His Father’s house for the wedding ceremony under the Chuppah, a canopy.
- Bridegroom sort of abducts his bride (snatches her away – harpazo) and takes her to the bridal chamber to consummate the marriage for 7days. (Seven years of the Tribulation)
- The Marriage Supper (wedding reception) is held for all those invited. (Revelation 19:7-9)
The Church is the Bride, the chaste virgin (2 Cor 11:2). The Bridegroom is Jesus Christ (Eph 5:22-32).
- Covenant established (Ketubah) – 1 Cor 11:25
- Purchase Price -1 Cor 6:19-20
- Bride set apart – Eph 5:25-27, 1 Cor 1:2, 6,
- Reminded of the Covenant – 1 Cor 11:25-26
- Bridegroom left for the Father’s house- John 14:1-3
- He returns to get His bride – 1 Thess 4:16-17
Gentile Brides in the Old Testament: Rebekah, Asenath (Joseph in Egypt), Rahab (mother of Boaz), and Ruth – no death is recorded for any of them.
Other Examples of Bible Weddings:
- Gen 29 – Jacob is sent by Isaac to Haran to find a bride and marries Rachel and Leah.
- John 2 – Jesus changes water into wine at the Wedding at Cana.
- Mat 1 – Mary and Joseph
- Rev 19:9 – The Marriage Supper of the Lamb