You may have at least a vague idea of what a sponsor is, but maybe you’re wondering why you even need one.

Principle 4: Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to someone I trust. 

“Happy are the pure in heart.” Matthew 5:8

Step 4: We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 

“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40

Why do I need a sponsor and/or on accountability partner?

There are three reasons why having a sponsor is vital.

  1. Having a sponsor and/or accountability partner is biblical. 
  2. Having a sponsor and/or accountability partner is a key part of your recovery program. 
  3. Having a sponsor and/or and accountability partner is the best guard against relapse.

What are the qualities of sponsor?

“Though good advice lies deep within a counselor’s heart, the wise man will draw it out.” Proverbs 20:5, TLB

When you are selecting a possible sponsor, look for the following qualities:

  1. Does his walk match his talk? Is he living by the eight principles?
  2. Does she have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ?
  3. Does he express the desire to help others on the “read to recovery”
  4. Does she show compassion, care, and hope, but not pity?
  5. Is he a good listener?
  6. Is she strong enough to confront your denial or procrastination?
  7. Does he offer suggestions?
  8. Can she share her own current struggles with others?

What is the role of a sponsor?

  1. She can be there to discuss issues in detail that are too personal or would take too much time in a meeting.
  2. He is available in times of crisis or potential relapse.
  3. She serves as a sounding board by providing an objective point of view.
  4. He is there to encourage you to work the principles at your own speed. he does not work the steps for you!
  5. Most important, she attempts to model the lifestyle resulting from working the eight principles.
  6. A sponsor can resign or be fired.

How do I find a sponsor and/or an accountability partner?

First, your sponsor or accountability partner MUST be of the same sex as you. After you have narrowed the field down with that requirement, listen to people share. do you relate to or resonate with what is spoken? Ask others in your group to go out for coffee after the meeting. Get to know the person before you ask him or her to be your sponsor or accountability partner!

If you ask someone to be your sponsor or accountability partner and that person says no, do not take it as personal rejection. Ask someone else.

Ask God to lead you to the sponsor and/or accountability partner of His choosing. He already has someone in mind for you.

What is the difference between a sponsor and an accountability partner?

The accountability partner or group acts as the “team,” whereas the sponsor’s role is that of a “coach”.


Contact Celebrate Recovery of Clemmons if you are struggling or want to learn more about our meetings.